The AFC Study Planner is designed to help you structure a study plan and estimate the amount of study time needed to cover the AFC core competencies based on your skill level. The tool assumes 250 study hours for a candidate who is a beginner in all competencies.

To use the tool:

  1. Select your skill level for each of the three competencies.
  2. Choose the module you would like to begin with.
  3. Set your start and end dates.

This tool is for estimation purposes only for the Accredited Financial Counselor (AFC) program. Suggested study schedules and number of hours are estimations only and are not a requirement. AFCPE does not require or recommend a specific study style or number of study hours. Following a suggested study schedule does not guarantee passing the AFC exam. This tool provides estimates based on the AFC Self-Study Pathway and study materials/online study guide. Candidates enrolled in other education pathways may need to adapt the suggested schedule to fit their needs. 

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