Employer Booth Representative Resources
You should have received an email from “notifications@brazen.com” letting you know that you are staffing a Brazen event (AFCPE Career Fair). If you do not see an email from notifications@brazen.com, please check your spam or junk folder. You can follow the link in that email to set up your password.
If you cannot find the email from “notfications@brazen.com,” you can still go to app.brazenconnect.com/cc and request a password reset which will allow you to set up a password. If you do not receive that email, please submit a support ticket here, and the Brazen support team will help you. When the event is live, please log in to app.brazenconnect.com/cc using your email address and password.
To prepare for the event, we encourage you to check out the materials below:
● Scheduled Chat Resources for Reps
● Brazen University (Resource Hub)
Brazen recommends logging into the event 15 minutes early to ensure you are set up.
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Career Fair Virtual Platform Tutorial
For additional questions, please email our Member Services Team.
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