Working for the government has many benefits, from job security to generous health and retirement benefits, and for AFC® professionals there are a number of opportunities to work at a national or state level to impact financial security.
Learn how you can use your AFC® or FFC® certification in a variety of government careers.
Department of Defense
Work directly for a military branch or agency to provide financial counseling to service members and their families, including career development, transition from service, relocation, and other work-life services and activities.
Private Contract Company
Work for a company that provides military families with personal and family financial counseling and education, as well as awareness of services for transition assistance, wounded warriors, survivorship, and more.
Housing Counseling
Work with individuals, typically with low to moderate incomes, to provide free or low-cost advice on buying and renting a home, loan default, foreclosure avoidance, credit issues, reverse mortgages, and other potential housing challenges.
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