If you would like to get your program approved for AFCPE® certified professionals to earn CEUS, you may submit for approval through our Group CEU Request Form. 

Accepted CEU Activity Types and Requirements

Submitted programs must pertain to personal finance subject matter or counseling/coaching skills, must enhance our professionals’ ability and expertise, and must meet the requirements of AFCPE certification.

Examples of Accepted Subject Matter:

  • Behavioral Training
  • Budgeting
  • Counseling Theory
  • Credit
  • Debt Management
  • Education Theory and Skill Development
  • Estate Planning / Retirement
  • Financial Coaching
  • Financial Practice and Business
  • Insurance
  • Housing
  • Tax

The Approval Process

  • Do this first. Before submitting your program for approval, please review our Guide to CEUs for CEU type, activity, and maximum CEU credits allowed.
  • Submit the Group CEU form, a detailed program agenda, and your preferred code phrase via the submission button below. Individuals who participate in your program will be required to submit the code phrase as proof of participation. 
  • Pay a non-refundable fee to have your submission reviewed and pre-approved for CE. The fee is $25 for members and $50 for non-members. 
  • AFCPE® will review the request, modify if necessary, and either approve or reject your submission. You will receive an email with the final determination.
  • Following the event, each individual certificant must submit an Individual CEU form.
  • Submissions must be received at least 30 business days before your event to guarantee on-time processing.
  • Providers may pay an additional fee to have their event listed at afcpe.org. AFCPE will refund this fee at the provider’s request if an event is not approved for CEU credits.

Professional Program Development Listings: 

For an additional fee, you may also request to have your training listed in AFCPE®s Professional Development programming calendar (Live or On Demand programs). Apply via the submission button below. 

Individual Requests: 

AFC professionals who are seeking pre-approval on an individual basis should contact ceu@afcpe.org

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