As an AFCPE certified professional, it is important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and changes in personal finance and counseling.  

Professional development is a career-long process. Over time, many changes occur in a profession or field of study that require practitioners to update their knowledge and skills. The purpose of continuing education is threefold:

  • to enhance the professional’s capacity to serve their clients
  • to protect the public interest
  • to uphold the rigor of the certification

To maintain your certification, you must:

  • Pay the annual fee, due June 30
  • Complete your continuing education requirement every two years, due June 30 on even years

Annual Certification Fees

The certification fee is due annually by June 30 to maintain your certification. This fee is separate from AFCPE Membership. You may pay your fee in your myAFCPE account. 

*Annual Certification Fees and any Continue Education Program paid through AFCPE® are non-refundable.

Required Each Year: Certification Fee

Late Fees: Late fees will be incurred for each month that an annual fee is not paid. After six months of non-payment, your certification will be revoked.

Continuing Education Requirements

The certification reporting period is two years, ending on June 30 of every even year. Certification may be obtained at different times during a reporting period. See the AFCPE® Continuing Education Guide for full details.

Required Every 2 Years: 30 CEUs*

*2 of the 30 CEUs must cover Ethics and/or Standards of Practice

Requirements Based On Your Inaugural Reporting Period

You’ve earned your designation. Now what?

Year 1 of the Reporting Period
If you become certified during the first half of the reporting period, then one-half of your designation’s CEUs will be due for your inaugural reporting period.
Year 2 of the Reporting Period
If you become certified during the second half of the reporting period, then no CEUs will be due for your inaugural reporting period.

Subsequent Reporting Periods

Full CEUs required

Note: If you fail to maintain your credential by reporting the required CEUs during the two-year reporting period, your status will be listed as “lapsed” for a maximum period of six months with an approved extension application. You must pay extension fees and obtain the required number of CEUs in order to reinstate your credential within the extension period. If you do not comply with the reinstatement requirements within the maximum period of six months, the Certification Council will revoke the credential.

Accepted CEU Activity Types and Requirements

Programs must pertain to personal finance and/or financial counseling subject matter, must enhance your ability and expertise, and must meet the requirements of your certification. For full details, see the AFCPE® Continuing Education Guide.

Examples of Accepted Subject Matter:

  • Behavioral Training
  • Budgeting
  • Counseling Theory
  • Credit
  • Debt Management
  • Education Theory and Skill Development
  • Estate Planning / Retirement
  • Financial Coaching
  • Insurance
  • Housing
  • Personal Tax
  • Student Loans
  • Ethics*
  • Standards of Practice*

*Note: The only required category is Ethics and/or Standards of Practice. Certified professionals are required to earn 2 Ethics and/or Standards of Practice related CEUs per reporting period.

CEU Type, Activity, and CEU Credits Allowed

Standards of Practice


Ethics or Standards of Practice training

CEU Credits Allowed

REQUIRED: 2 CEUs per reporting period

AFC professionals must earn 2 CEUs each reporting period in the categories of Ethics or Standards of Practice. CEUs submitted for this requirement do not need to be sponsored by AFCPE. Please see the AFCPE Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice for acceptable topics. Professionals have the option of submitting a CEU event for pre-approval if they are unsure if it meets the requirements. 

AFCPE provides live events throughout the year to satisfy this requirement. Please see our Events Calendar for upcoming opportunities. Additionally, some opportunities are available as on-demand recordings. These events are available at no additional cost to AFCPE Members or can be purchased individually. Please visit the Events Section of your myAFCPE account to search for opportunities. For assistance locating ethics/standards of practice opportunities, click here

Some examples of training topics to consider when planning for your ethics/standards of practice requirement are:

• Ethics in financial counseling 
• Diversity and inclusion
• Understanding your limits as an AFC
• Confidentiality
• Secure information gathering and record keeping
• Cybersecurity 

AFCPE® Annual Symposium and Pre-Conference


Live Stream
or recording

CEU Credits Allowed

Based on available programming


3 CEUs per year


15 CEUs per year

Non-AFCPE® conferences or local professional financial training



CEU Credits Allowed

Maximum of 6 CEUs per day

Maximum of 15 CEUs per conference



Participate in web-based financial trainings with instructor

CEU Credits Allowed

1 CEU per hour of instruction

Maximum of 3 CEUs per webinar

Research and Publishing


Publish article for AFCPE® blog or on reputable national, regional, or military publication. 
Submission Guidelines
Editor Contact: Rachael DeLeon

CEU Credits Allowed

Maximum of 2 CEUs 

Publish or review a research journal article, research paper, or book on a personal finance topic 
Submission Guidelines
Editor Contact: Jing Jian Xiao

Maximum of 10 CEUs

Publish or review a newsletter article or book review in The Standard quarterly newsletter. 
Submission Guidelines.

Maximum of 2 CEUs

AFCPE® Member Opportunities


AFCPE® Journal Reviewer

CEU Credits Allowed

3 CEUs per year

Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning (JFCP) Quiz

2 CEUs per quiz



College-level personal finance, financial counseling or education course (completed)


In-person training program with established coursework and measurable evaluation of comprehension

Self-guided coursework with measurable evaluation of comprehension

CEU Credits Allowed

Maximum of 5 CEUs per credit hour; 18 CEUs per class



1 CEU per hour; maximum 6 CEUs per day; 18 CEUs per course*

1 CEU per coursework hour; 18 CEUs per course*

*Must show proof of completion and provide an agenda or other document substantiating the number of hours

Creating Educational Material


Creating new material or content

CEU Credits Allowed

3 CEUs per 1 hour of content; maximum of 10 CEUs per curriculum 

Updating existing material or content

1 CEU per 1 hour of content; maximum of 5 CEUs per curriculum

Professional Designations & Certifications


AFCPE® certifications

CEU Credits Allowed

AFC® adding FFC®
8 CEUs

Outside professional designations

Review Process and Submission Forms

AFCPE certified professionals will submit their CEU requests via their myAFCPE Dashboard. CEUs may only be submitted for the current reporting period. Submissions will be reviewed within five business days. Notification will be sent via the email address on file. For full details on submitting CEUs, please see the AFCPE® Continuing Education Guide.

Process for CEU Providers

If you would like to submit your program or event for pre-approval, please visit the CEU Providers page. 

We can help. Submit questions to

Visit your myAFPCE Dashboard to view your CEU requirement and status of submitted reqests. AFPCE will send quarterly reports via email to each certified professional for the current reporting period. The report includes a summary of your CEU records.

AFCPE may randomly select CEU reports for audit.

An audited certificant may be asked to submit supporting documentation. Certificants are required to keep proper records and documentation. 

If annual fees and CEU requirements are not met the credential will be revoked and re-certification will be required. Review the Certification Reinstatement Policy, to learn more about your options for recertification.

Trademark User Guidelines

AFCPE®’s certification marks represent the highest standards of excellence in the field of financial counseling and are valuable assets of AFCPE®. Professionals authorized by AFCPE® to use its certification marks benefit from both our long history of high ethical and educational standards and the public recognition of AFCPE®’s certification marks as symbols of professional accomplishment. Please help uphold the value of the trademarks by adhering to strict use and reproduction guidelines.

Reinstatement of AFC® Certification


An individual may request reinstatement of AFC® certification after voluntary relinquishment, or failure to renew within 180 days of certification expiration, by submitting an extension request and paying a non-refundable $200 reinstatement fee.

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