Asynchronous Course: The Cooperative Extension System—Force Multiplier for Military Family Readiness
Webinar / Online Meeting Online MeetingThe Cooperative Extension System: A Force Multiplier for Military Family Readiness Many DoD Military Family Readiness Professionals are not well-versed in the history or capabilities of Cooperative Extension System in supporting Military Family Readiness efforts (RAND, 2014). Cooperative Extension represents an underleveraged force-multiplier tool to serve families in the military with our practical, applicable education as members of the communities […]
Education Office Hours
Webinar / Online Meeting Online MeetingEducation Office Hours Do you have questions? At AFCPE’s Education Office Hours, you can get an answer from an expert! Office Hours are ideal for AFC candidates and Essentials students who are struggling with the content and would like individual support. For the best success, write down questions as they come up in your study and bring them to Office […]