It’s understandable that many of us do not like to engage in estate planning—it can be a little overwhelming. However, it is important to “nip it in the bud” and start the preparation early so that when the unfortunate time comes, there is a reduction of conflict and a smoother process for all involved.
Studying for the AFC® has helped me realize the importance of this topic and all that needs to be done to settle an estate in advance. I, myself, plan on having an estate one day, don’t you? If not, you will likely have clients with estates – and as an AFC, I hope to practice financial counseling and planning with people from all levels of wealth.
In a nutshell, the AFC provides me with the skills that so many people want to attain but, either due to lack of time or of knowledge, they fall short in organizing their finances. This makes me a valuable resource to them and gives me the opportunity to make a living out of helping others.
The sky is the limit for me and it can be for you too!
Nadia Marquez, Master of Science Student in Personal Financial Planning at Texas Tech University
AFC® University program student
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