One of the things I love most about AFCPE is the diversity and depth of our professionals. Each one brings a different area of expertise and experience from across the field of personal finance, from research to practice. This connected, dynamic network is a hallmark of AFCPE.
This year’s Annual Research and Training Symposium was nothing short of powerful. Sessions focused on diversity, inclusion, and wide ranging issues affecting our country, for which our professionals are uniquely equipped to work together to bridge the gaps. We talked about important issues, like the racial and gender wealth gap, communication and behavior change, incorporating research and practice, and building the continuum of care with our financial planning colleagues. As always, AFCPE professionals also gave back to the local community by offering pro bono financial counseling services.
At AFCPE, we believe a comprehensive continuum of care across different specialties is essential to achieve our mission and vision for the field. But it’s up to each one of us to ensure that consumers are educated about the range of services available to help them: financial education, counseling, coaching, planning, and therapy. We must work together, have important conversations, build professional relationships and referral networks, and invite other professionals to join our network.
As we’ve grown as an organization, so has the influence and impact of our professionals. This year’s symposium program exemplified the crucial role that AFCPE professionals play in our field and in critical national issues that impact financial security. More specifically, it emphasized our role and responsibility in addressing systemic and societal problems that plague the economic security of people across our nation; issues like consumer protection, the rising levels of income and wealth inequality, skyrocketing student debt, declining wages, and decreased savings.
At AFCPE we don’t just set A standard — we set THE standard — not just because it’s the best thing to do, but because it’s the right thing to do.
It’s right to demand professionalism and excellence for all people, not just those with wealth.
It’s right to commit to a higher level of knowledge because each person is unique and deserves a customized financial approach.
It’s right to care about our clients and our communities, and to use our expertise to help them reach life goals and expand opportunities.
It’s right to be forward-thinking, to be focused and compassionate, and to make a difference — not just in dollars and cents, but in people’s lives.
At AFCPE we’re setting the standard, not because it’s simple or easy, but because it’s what we are inspired to do. We believe in motivating change, in bridging gaps, in making connections through knowledge and empathy. Because we know that the best way to impact our culture is by improving individual lives.
As we look to the new year, it is our hope that we can continue the momentum by combining our individual passions and areas of expertise to collectively solve the challenges we are facing as a society. These are uncertain times in our country and around the world. Our field and our professionals are a vital part of the solution.
Let’s recommit to setting the highest standards for our field and the people we serve, and to the fundamental belief that all people, regardless of their income or background, deserve access to professionals who uphold these standards. Our clients, our communities, and our country depend on it for economic security and a brighter future.
Membership: Join a diverse and inclusive network of financial educators, researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas, share best practices and influence change. AFCPE® Membership offers important benefits to enhance your work and your career, including a strong network, cutting edge research and information and professional development.
Certification: Earn the gold standard, nationally recognized credentials for financial counseling and financial coaching to help you make a difference in the lives of the individuals and families that you serve, by meeting them where they are and guiding them on a new financial path.
Support our Initiatives: Provide scholarships or funding to support certification opportunities for community groups, nonprofit professionals or students, or partner with us to enhance the nation’s financial capability.
Rebecca Wiggins, Executive Director, AFCPE
Download our Annual Report: 2017 AFCPE Year in Review

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