#FridayFollow: Financial Education, By Training and Passion

Meet Mia Russell, AFC®, a financial educator who leads the content strategy for Wells Fargo’s Hands on Banking®financial education program. In this role, she’s responsible for the development and enhancement of financial education curricula, resources, and tools for all! The available resources cater to youth, adults, seniors, military, entrepreneurs, and...

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Make 2019 the Year You Invest in Impact

Commit to high standards, capacity building, and lasting impact – for the client, for the coach, and for the community. Over the last 4 years, organizations and funders have invested in Accredited Financial Counselor (AFC®) and Financial Fitness Coach (FFC®) training and certification to better support initiatives that create lasting impact. As...

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#FridayFollow: Waking Up for Financial and Social Change

Judy Polyne, AFC® is a financial coach and educator, coaching clients towards their financial goals. Through her work as an adjunct professor at New York University (NYU), as well as with local nonprofit organizations, Judy teaches people what they need to understand financial wellness and how to build a brighter financial...

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6 Steps to Stay on Track Financially During Times of Separation

Times of separation are hard on a family and relationships in many ways. One of the most challenging aspects of separation is how to handle the finances – how to budget and continue to make progress toward your financial goals. Service members (SM) experience this challenge on a regular basis...

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Evaluate Yourself

As a personal financial counselor, I am often asked to give an overview of the services I provide to Soldiers and Airmen in my area. Although I am grateful for the opportunity, I often find it difficult to persuade service members that they can benefit from financial counseling. Most of...

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Research Reflections: Rethinking the 3 to 6 months Rule of Thumb

I have a confession to make: I hate cash. And beyond that, I do not practice many of the behaviors I have heard preached from financial pulpits over the past several years. For example, I do not keep 3-6 months of living expenses in cash or equivalents. This paper began...

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#FridayFollow – Developing Critical Cross-Cultural Skills

We are proud to recognize Biola University as our newest AFCPE® Approved Education Program! AFCPE: What inspired you to work in the field of financial planning and education? Shane: The stock market captured my attention at a young age, and I just had to learn more. As I read and attended seminars,...

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Presenter to Bullet Point: “You’re Fired!”

Audiences Come Alive! Do your eyes glaze over at the thought of sitting through another drab PowerPoint presentation? Is your own audience petrified by what dullness might be lurking behind your title slide? When I ask audiences if they would prefer a slideshow or an informal discussion, hands down, they welcome...

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#Friday Follow – Making Financial Education a Requirement

Ann House is the Director of the Personal Money Management Center (PMMC) at The University of Utah. She provides financial education and services for students to obtain an education with as little debt as possible. Her goal is to give them the appropriate tools while achieving lifelong, successful financial outcomes....

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#FridayFollow: Making Finance & Economics Fun & Accessible!

Mario Fischel spent more than 20 years as manager of financial advisory programs at the World Bank.  Today, he works as a financial education specialist and is the creator of the innovative financial education game, Bulls & Bears. AFCPE: What was your inspiration for Bulls & Bears?  Mario: Bulls &...

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Bridging the Gap Twitter Chat

At this year's Symposium, we discussed the importance of #BridgingTheGap of wealth our country is facing. To continue the conversation and further spread the word, we invite you to join our Twitter chat on Monday, December 11 featuring special hosts Heather McCulloch, director of Closing the Women's Wealth Gap, and Tom Shapiro, author and thought-leader on the racial wealth...

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Bridging the Gap between Money and Our Emotional Messages

My goal as the creator of Money Habitudes® has been to make it easy for people make the connection between our financial behaviors and our emotional messages. When individuals seem to be facing the same financial challenges repeatedly, it’s a good bet that their behavior is actually fulfilling an important emotional...

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