Celebrate Women’s History Month with AFCPE!
Women’s History Month is an annual celebration in honor of the achievements and history of women. Women’s History Month is also an opportunity to celebrate and recognize the work of female AFC® (Accredited Financial Counselor®) professionals, AFC® Candidates, and AFCPE Members who are making an impact in the field of financial counseling, coaching, and education.
It is an ideal time for us, as financial professionals, to expand our knowledge about the unique barriers to financial well-being that women may encounter and ensure that we are using a lens of inclusion in our work.
Women have Unique Barriers to Financial Capability
Did you know:
- One-in-four employed women said they had earned less than a man who was doing the same job; just 5% of men said they had earned less than a woman doing the same job. [Pew Research]
- In 2021, women earn 82 cents for every dollar earned by men. [Payscale]
- Women are leaving the workforce in greater numbers than men due to family care challenges, and facing greater child-care costs related to remote work and school. [CNBC]
- In 2019, the median annual earnings for women working full time, year-round was $47,299, or 82 percent of men’s earnings.16 Most women of color—particularly Black, Hispanic, and Native American women—experience a wider wage gap due to the persistence of intersecting gender, race, and ethnic biases. [American Progress]
How You can Support Women during Women’s History Month and Beyond
With the help of AFCPE staff, Members, and certified professionals, we have compiled a list of resources that can be used to guide and support you in your work with women. This list is not comprehensive, but it can serve as a starting place in your journey to creating an environment that is safe and supportive for your female colleagues and clients.
Have more resources to add? Drop them in the comments below!
Celebrate Female Leaders in Finance
Join us in celebrating the history of women in finance! These leaders have trailblazed the way for other women in our industry.
Recognize Financial Challenges
From ongoing challenges like the gender pay gap to recent issues like the devastating effects of the pandemic, women’s financial capability is often at risk.
Understanding how these challenges affect your clients’ money behaviors will make you a more effective counselor or educator.
Address Barriers to Accessing Financial Services
Sexism and negative stereotypes have heavily influenced the perception of how women manage money. Make sure you understand the needs of your female clients and don’t buy into any harmful myths.
Build an Equitable Business
If you’re working to create a more equitable private practice or business, it’s critical that you have the right tools and strategies for both recruitment and retention.
Connect them to qualified, caring AFC® professionals
If you aren’t currently offering one-on-one financial counseling, please help refer clients to:
- AFCPE’s free financial counseling and coaching services, made possible with the support of AFC and FFC certified volunteers and with generous grant funding from Wells Fargo Foundation.
- AFCPE’s Find an AFC directory: A useful tool to help individuals find a qualified counselor in their area. Rates are determined by individual counselors.
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