Call for Applications: 2020 AFCPE® Certification Council

We are seeking three (3) professionals to serve on the AFCPE Certification Council. The Certification Council is an integral part of AFCPE’s certification programs, helping to lead the association dedicated to furthering the field of personal financial counseling, coaching and education. Open spots must be filled by:(2) Members that represent...

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#FridayFollow: Improving Financial Knowledge & Resilience

Dr. Michael Gutter is a family economics specialist and financial behavior researcher by training. He currently serves as Associate Dean for University of Florida UF/IFAS Extension and the State Program Leader for 4-H, Families and Communities. As a Past President of the AFCPE Board of Directors, Michael is extremely passionate...

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#FridayFollow: Apply for an Award!

We Want You to Apply For An AFCPE Award</h2 > Each year AFCPE® recognizes the great work and innovation happening in financial education, research, and practice. Award winners are celebrated at the AFCPE® Symposium in November. Win or lose, applying for an AFCPE award provides incredible value to you! It's...

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Doing Better Together: A Quarterly Book Recommendation

Over the past 10 years I have been part of three different book groups (not clubs, there is a difference).  In many ways I am burnt out on reading, so for the past year I have taken a step back and reduced my involvement.  However, it is hard to turn...

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#FridayFollow: Faith, Finances, and Education

Flora Williams, Ph.D., RFC, M.Div. is a long time AFCPE Member who was instrumental in the founding of the organization. Throughout her career, she has worked as a professor, a Registered Financial Consultant, and an ordained minister. Flora is also a writer, an avid piano player, and finds joy in...

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Recognizing the Heaviness

There is a heaviness around us that cannot be ignored. The continual racism and violence in our country have led to justifiable anger, sadness, and worry that people are experiencing, individually and collectively. Equity, justice, and inclusion are foundational to AFCPE’s mission and vision. Our community is rich with differences:...

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#Friday Follow: The Overlap Between Mental Health and Financial Health

Larry Freeney is a Licensed Counselor who assists his clients in living their best lives. He does this by helping them overcome their negative self-talk, incompatible identities, and their restrictive life scripts. As a new AFC® certification candidate, Larry hopes to assist his clients with the financial aspect of their...

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Financial Relief For COVID-19 In America

When the coronavirus (COVID-19) crippled the U.S. in the first quarter of 2020, many Americans weren’t financially prepared for an unprecedented income-producing shift.  For many Americans, this unbalance and inability to earn an income shook their households.  And rightfully so.  According to a recent 2,000-person study conducted by Prudential, 54%...

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11 Ways a Financial Counselor or Financial Coach Can Help You Navigate the Financial Implications of COVID-19

Questions about your finances? Want to make sure you're on the right track? Talk to a qualified financial counselor or coach - for free: Get started.During this time of uncertainty, with circumstances and information constantly changing, it may be difficult to know where to turn. A good place to start?...

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SaverLife is a Nonprofit that Helps Americans Build Financial Stability

Almost half of Americans don’t have $500 in the bank. Without an emergency fund, disruptions like a flat tire, a leaky faucet, or a last-minute plane ticket can have a huge ripple effect. As AFC® and FFC® professionals, you may see this issue in your work with clients or even...

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#FridayFollow: A New Program and a Fated Career

Jing Jian Xiao, PhD is a professor and researcher in consumer economics and personal finance at the University of Rhode Island (URI). His university was recently approved as an AFCPE® Registered Education Program, meaning that their program’s curriculum meets the educational requirements to prepare students to sit for the AFC®...

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Financial Health: The Case of the Coronavirus

For the past few weeks, the top news stories have focused on the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Public health agencies are closely monitoring the spread of the virus and health implications for individuals and communities. Not only are there physical health implications of an epidemic like Coronavirus, an emergency such as this...

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