5 Personal Finance Education Resources for Kids

As of yesterday, more than twenty-six states had announced school closings, affecting more than 29 million children, according to Education Week Magazine. With schools shut down, millions of parents and caregivers are finding themselves in a new role – home school educator. While school systems are helpfully equipping parents with...

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#FridayFollow: A Military Spouse Shares the Value of an AFC®

Trey Spencer is an AFC® candidate and 2019 FINRA Foundation Military Spouse Fellow. He is currently a full-time stay-at-home-dad and military spouse. Trey volunteers at Ft. Still doing financial counseling and helping in the Legal Assistance Office.During this FINRA Foundation Military Spouse Fellowship application period, we were excited to learn more...

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Expand Your Brand with Financial Wellness in the Workplace

Our financial stress and the issues that result from it affect more than just our personal lives and our relationships, it affects the work we do, too. It is no surprise to financial professionals that many hard-working Americans are struggling with basic money management and adequate savings. Recent studies show:...

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#FridayFollow: Personal Financial Education Should Be For Everyone

Cliff Robb is a professor at UW-Madison, where he teaches personal finance in the School of Human Ecology. UW-Madison recently became an AFCPE® Registered Education Program, which means their coursework covers the core competencies required to sit for the AFC® certification exam. Get to know Cliff, and hear firsthand why...

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#FridayFollow: A Promise to My Clients

Regina Wood, AFC® is Vice President of BancorpSouth Bank in Mississippi. She is a military spouse and was part of the FINRA Foundation Military Spouse Fellowship class of 2018. As an AFC®, Regina makes this commitment to her clients – “that during the counseling process, we will be present and...

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America Saves Week 2020 – Save with a Plan: From Overwhelmed to Financial Freedom

Overwhelmed is a word I hear frequently as a financial counselor and with good reason. When our finances are out of control, we feel “overwhelmed.” And, oftentimes, it can feel even more overwhelming to reach out for help only to receive advice with unfamiliar terminology or a plan we don’t...

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America Saves Week 2020: Don’t Wait—Automate

Imagine this… You’ve been burning the midnight fuel to show your boss the results of months of hard work by crafting the picture-perfect presentation.  With one hour to show-time, you’re filled with anticipation because you know it’s going to be that ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ moment sure to get your work noticed.  Then...

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#ResearchWednesday: Retaining Clients

The shift from traditional defined benefit plans to defined contribution plans has changed the personal financial planning landscape significantly. Today, many individuals look to financial professionals such as advisors for guidance on establishing financial goals, investing, and identifying the right financial products for protection against an uncertain future. The services...

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What Every Financial Counselor Needs to Know About Student Debt!

Taking More TimeIn the advisor-client relationship student loans are taking up more and more time and due to the inherent complexities are creating some anxiety and confusion for all involved. Understanding the nuances of the federal student loan system and its loan repayment options are essential for all advisors, who...

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#FridayFollow: Becoming Wise Stewards of the Gifts We Have to Give

Don Fulton, M.Div., M.Th., AFC®, CRC®, FFC® is a financial coach and an ELCA Lutheran clergy who is currently serving on the AFCPE Board of Directors. He describes himself as someone who wears two hats. As a financial coach, Don works with clients to empower them in their financial decision...

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#ResearchWednesday: Financial ratios and financial satisfaction

Exploring associations between objective and subjective measures of financial well-being among older Americans.Financial planners and counselors use various methods to measure individuals’ financial situations. One method is to calculate financial ratios and compare them to benchmarks recommended by financial professionals.This study examines three financial ratios including the liquidity ratio, the...

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Financial Counseling after the SECURE Act

The awkwardly named ‘Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement’ Act made sweeping legislative changes that will have an impact on more than just retirement planning. As financial counselors, it is important to understand how these changes might impact your clients. Below are some of the key provisions to keep...

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