Real Money, Real Experts: Amy Smith

Episode 95: Authenticity Unleashed: Embracing Your Superpower with Amy SmithDownload the transcript or watch on Youtube!Join hosts Rachael Deleon and Dr. Mary Carlson in a captivating conversation with special guest Amy Smith, AFC®, Founder of My BPD, My Money, and Member Engagement Coordinator for AFCPE.In this episode, Amy shares her...

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Real Money, Real Experts: Tiffany Grant

Episode 94: Unlocking the CEO Mindset: A Conversation with Tiffany GrantDownload the transcript or watch on Youtube!"If you want to be a CEO, you have to start thinking like a CEO."In this episode, hosts Rachael Deleon and Dr. Mary Carlson are joined by special guest Tiffany Grant, AFC® and owner...

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Friday Follow: Get to Know AFCPE’s Newest Board Members

Friday Follow: Get to know AFCPE's Newest Board Members—2024  Welcome, Barbara Martinez, AFC®My Work: My work centers on ending asset poverty for low-income families and narrowing the racial and gender wealth divide. As the Community Partnerships & Asset Building Programs leader at Heartland Alliance, I oversee financial coaching programs that...

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Real Money, Real Experts: Brent Neiser

Episode 93: What's Next With Money with Brent Neiser, CFP®, AFC®Download the transcript!Brent Neiser has an incredible range of work and impact in the personal finance space. Every time we connect, we learn something new! Brent started his journey as a financial planner, but his heart for service led him...

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5 Common Consumer Questions that PowerPay Answers

PowerPay exhibited at the 2023 AFCPE Symposium. Learn more about exhibiting →   For 30 years, PowerPay has been used and recommended by financial counselors and educators, Extension professionals in multiple states, and utilized by the military and large corporations such as Fannie Mae, America Saves, and NeighborWorks Training Institute. A...

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Amy Schultz, AFC® and co-founder of Bolder Money

Friday Follow: Meet the AFC® who co-founded a financial coaching platform that has helped over 300 clients increase their net worth by an average of $8,000! What led you to a career in personal finance? And what inspires you to continue doing this work today?: In 2017, I found myself...

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Polling Data To Take With You Into 2024

NEFE exhibited at the 2023 AFCPE Symposium. Learn more about exhibiting →   The National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE) and AFCPE have always enjoyed a supportive working relationship from each of our organizations’ early days. NEFE and AFCPE share a common goal to help individuals and families live their best...

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Real Money, Real Experts: Markia Brown, The Money Plug

Welcome to Season 5!Episode 92: There is No "One Way" to do Personal Finance with Markia Brown, AFC® Download the transcript!Markia Brown is an award-winning financial educator and content creator, an Accredited Financial Counselor, and an AFCPE member with a talent for making complex financial topics accessible, particularly to younger generations.Her...

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3 Behavioral Marketing Hacks to Get More Customers

XY Planning Network exhibited at the 2023 AFCPE Symposium. Learn more about exhibiting → When I was a kid, I had a friend named John. John and I were as close as could be—and what unified our friendship was the love of strategy-based video games. We played them all—particularly the 90’s...

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Providing Personal Financial Support to our Service members and their families

"At heart, I’m an educator. If I can help anyone rethink their approach to money and lifestyle choices, which sets them up for success, that is a plus.” One of our Personal Financial Counselors, Michael Snowdon, recently described what he likes about working with military families as a Magellan Federal...

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Real Money, Real Experts: Michael Thomas (From the Vault)

Episode 91: From the Vault: Michael Thomas on EmpathyDownload the transcript!Every December, Real Money, Real Experts takes a break to prepare for the year ahead. As we head into the busy holiday season, we're happy to re-share a fan favorite - our episode on empathy and the art of listening...

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Real Money, Real Experts: Symposium Recap

Special YouTube Live Episode:Symposium Recap: Find Your People with Andi Wrenn, AFC®This week, Real Money, Real Experts, was live on YouTube with AFCPE Board President, Andi Wrenn. Andi, Mary, and Rachael recap all things 2023 AFCPE Symposium. If you joined us for Symposium this year, come reminisce with us. If you...

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