AFCPE Member Spotlight: Jean Lown

Member Spotlight Jean Lown, PhD. is a professor in the Department of Family, Consumer, and Human Development at Utah State University where she teaches investing, retirement and estate planning. She is a charter member of AFCPE and was present at the meeting where AFCPE was formed. Since then has only missed...

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Test Your Credit Score Knowledge with for a Chance to Win $500

Your credit score can affect many parts of your financial life. And while the large majority of consumers have basic knowledge about credit scores, there are a few knowledge gaps according to the Consumer Federation of America’s latest survey findings: Only 42 percent know that a credit score measures the risk...

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AFC Student Blog Series Part 6: Preparing for Exams

After completing the reading materials for the AFC course, I am now ready to start the review.  With practice questions and answers included in the back of the books, I can conveniently test my knowledge. And although the reading is in depth, the tools for studying are very straightforward. While...

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AFC Student Blog Series Part 5

It’s understandable that many of us do not like to engage in estate planning---it can be a little overwhelming. However, it is important to "nip it in the bud" and start the preparation early so that when the unfortunate time comes, there is a reduction of conflict and a smoother...

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AFC Student Blog Series Part 4

As I progress in my studies for the AFC®, I realize just how valuable a budget is and that it really is the foundation to having your finances in order. This is especially evident as I read through the chapter focused on investments. In order to invest, I need to...

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AFCPE Symposium: Value to Education and Career

As I have pursued degrees in Personal Financial Planning, first from the University of Missouri and now from Texas Tech University, each fall I have made an effort to go to at least one of a variety of conferences.  It was always a balancing act between getting out to meet...

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AFC Student Blog Series Part 3

I enjoy studying for the AFC® because so many topics hit close to home. My reading is constantly distracted because I am looking over my bank account and credit card statements to make sure my debt is under control. My favorite tool so far from the text is the credit utilization...

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Financial Literacy Day on the Hill

Since 2003, April is recognized as Financial Literacy Month in resolutions by the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives.  Financial Literacy Month evolved from Financial Literacy Day on the Hill.  One day every April a mix of government, not-for-profit and corporate organizations that promote financial literacy across the country...

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AFC Student Blog Series Part 2

Beginning the journey to my AFC I am very particular as to where I choose to study so it is important that I first find a quiet and comfortable spot otherwise my mind will wander because the chatter around me is too loud and sometimes a word in others’ conversation...

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AFC Student Blog Series

I'm Nadia, a graduate student studying personal financial planning at Texas Tech University. I'm currently enrolled in the AFC® University program through Texas Tech and studying for the Accredited Financial Counselor certification as I prepare for graduation this May. I enrolled in the AFC program, because I believe that this certification will...

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Building a Strong Financial Foundation with Real Estate

One of the primary problems many find themselves facing at retirement age is having a fixed, predictable income with so many other unknowns. Ideally, when you’re done working, your money will start working for you in the form of equity, interest, dividends, etc. However, as often as not, people are...

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The Gold Standard for Retirement

With debt at an all-time high, many people are anxious and looking for ways to protect their investments – especially the investments meant to supplement their retirement. For those who hold and individual retirement account, a degree of safety can be found in a gold IRA. What is a Gold IRA?...

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