JFCP Research Journal
Sherman D. Hanna
Authors: Laurence J. Kotlikoff and Scott Burns Publisher: The MIT Press. Read More >
Barbara O'Neill
Author: David Bach Publisher: Broadway Books, New York Rutgers University Read More >
Ann Coulson
Author: Jeff D. Opdyke Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Read More >
John E. Grable and So-Hyun Joo
The effects of environmental and biopsychosocial factors on financial risk tolerance is analyzed. The research is premised on Irwinýs (1993) risk-taking behavioral model. Findings from an OLS regression, using a sample of faculty and staff from two universities (N = 406), indicate that education, marital status, net worth, financial knowledge,... Read More >
David Bernstein
This study analyzes the relationship between household debt and the incidence of Individual Retirement Account (IRA) ownership using data from the Survey of Consumer Finance. In general, households who depend on credit card debt or consumer loans are less likely to establish an IRA than households who borrow in order... Read More >
Vivek Bhargava, Daniel K. Konku and D.K. Malhotra
Advances in computer and telecommunications technology have contributed to the emergence of more integrated global financial markets, allowing for the dissemination of information and the execution of transactions on a real-time basis around the clock and around the globe. To determine if an investor can gain additional diversification benefits by... Read More >
Susan S. Shockey and Sharon B. Seiling
The Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change was used to access change in financial behavior over a four-week period among participants enrolled in an IDA financial education program. All six money management behavior scores improved on average. The largest change occurred in the behavior represented as classes, while they were in... Read More >
Sharon E. DeVaney, Sophia Chiremba and Anne-Marie Vincent
Housing cost burden (the ratio of housing cost to household income) is examined using data from the 2001 Survey of Consumer Finance. Results of ordered logistic regression show that singles and single parent families were less likely to have an affordable housing cost burden than couples with no children. Households... Read More >
Andrew Washington
This paper examines demographic and socioeconcomic characteristics as predictors of emergency fund adequacy in Australian households. The results indicate that the presence of children, the number of dependents and income-earning units, the age and ethnicity of the household head, income dependency upon retirement plans and investments and government pensions and... Read More >
Kenneth M. Washer and Srinivas Nippani
Practitioners and personal finance textbooks generally exclude human capital when constructing balance sheets although this asset represents an individual's earning power and is liquidated over time to meet financial needs. Representing human capital on the balance sheet recognizes its importance as a factor in financial decisions. For many investors, including... Read More >
Gabriel Asebedo and John Grable
The purpose of this paper is to determine if, using historical data, it would have been possible to use a buy-and-hold strategy from January 1, 1995 through December 31, 2003 that resulted in a selection of funds that consistently outperformed other mutual funds. This study attempts to address several methodological... Read More >