About Real Money, Real Experts

Real Money, Real Experts is a personal finance podcast written and produced by AFCPE®. With an audience of financial professionals, we strive to educate and entertain with a combination of expert tips, engaging interviews, and real-life storytelling. 

  • Covering real stories about how professionals like you are impacting their clients.
  • Offering tips from real experts on how to improve client interactions and grow your business.


Real Money Real Experts Logo

AFCPE® ensures the highest integrity of the financial counseling profession by certifying, connecting, and supporting diverse professionals. Our comprehensive programs, the AFC® (Accredited Financial Counselor®) and represent the gold standard of financial counseling and coaching certifications. And our membership community offers a place to share best practices, solve similar struggles, and access tools and resources that advance your career and enable you to better serve your clients.

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Meet the Hosts

Rachael DeLeon, AFCPE

Rachael DeLeon, AFCPE® Executive Director

Rachael DeLeon, Executive Director of AFCPE®, is co-host of Real Money, Real Experts podcast. Rachael leads AFCPE, a national association for financial counselors, coaches, and educators. AFCPE certifies, supports, and connects professionals across the personal finance field who are committed to the highest standards of professionalism and passionate about helping people with their money.

Mary Bell Carlson, AFC®, CFP®, Ph.D.

Dr. Mary Bell Carlson is a financial behavior expert and is currently the President and Founder of Financial Behavior Keynote Group, a speaking and consulting firm providing thought leadership around financial behavior change. She also teaches at the University of Georgia and Texas Tech University in personal financial planning and holds both the AFC® and CFP® credentials.

Recent Episodes

Real Money, Real Experts: Trust, Training, and Financial Wellness: How to Build Stronger Money Habits with Ericka Young, AFC®

Episode 119: Trust, Training, and Financial Wellness: How to Build Stronger Money Habits with Ericka Young, AFC® Download the transcript or watch on Youtube! In this episode of Real Money, Real Experts, we sit down with financial coach, author, and educator Ericka Young, AFC, who shares her personal journey of paying off $90,000 in debt and building a career helping

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Real Money, Real Experts: The Wealth Within: How Self-Worth Shapes Net Worth with Justin Chastain, AFC®️

Episode 118: The Wealth Within: How Self-Worth Shapes Net Worth with Justin Chastain, AFC®️ Download the transcript or watch on Youtube! What does it mean to build true wealth? In this episode of Real Money, Real Experts, we sit down with financial planner Justin Chastain, AFC®️ to explore the connection between self-worth and financial success, the emotional impact of money,

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Real Money, Real Experts: More Than Your Money with Jessica Moorhouse, AFCC®

Episode 117: More Than Your Money with Jessica Moorhouse, AFCC® Download the transcript or watch on Youtube! In this episode of Real Money, Real Experts, we’re joined by Jessica Moorhouse, a leading financial educator, podcast host, and founder of MoorMoney Media Inc. Jessica’s passion for financial literacy started early—she worked her way through university and mastered frugality. But after stepping

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Real Money, Real Experts: Join Me At #AFCPE with Dr. Brandy Baxter, AFC®️

Episode 116: Join Me At #AFCPE with Dr. Brandy Baxter, AFC®️ Download the transcript or watch on Youtube! In the Season 6 premiere of Real Money, Real Experts, we’re joined by 2025 Board President and our new co-host Dr. Brandy Baxter, AFC®️, the powerhouse behind Living Abundantly and Envision 30. As an Accredited Financial Counselor®️, financial coach, and strategic leader,

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Real Money, Real Experts: Voices of Symposium

Episode 115: Voices of Symposium: Real Experts, Real Takeaways Download the transcript or watch on Youtube! In this special season finale, Rachael and Mary bring you voices of #ExperienceAFCPE2024 attendees directly from the symposium floor. Attendees share their experiences, key takeaways, and advice for financial educators and those entering the field. This compilation of mini-interviews offers unique insights into the

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Real Money, Real Experts: Dr. Michael G. Thomas

Episode 114: It’s Not You, It’s The System with Dr. Michael G. Thomas Download the transcript or watch on Youtube! In this powerful episode of Real Money, Real Experts, Rachael DeLeon and Dr. Mary Bell Carlson sit down with Dr. Michael G. Thomas Jr., a financial empathy expert and lecturer at the University of Georgia, who is changing the way we

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Listener Reviews

"I am excited about the Real Money, Real Experts Podcast. The hosts Rebecca and Mary have such rich and diverse background in the financial counseling and education space and they complement each other well. Usually in the first few episodes of a podcast, there is a sense of working out the kinks and getting comfortable with the format but this was a polished effort from the start. I also like the 20-min format, perfect for a listen on my morning jog or while running errands. I look forward upcoming episodes."

"Looking forward to more episodes hosted by these two great financial professionals!"

Be a Guest

If you’re doing interesting work in the field and would like to share your stories and expertise, apply to be a guest on Real Money, Real Experts! Fill out the podcast guest application and an AFCPE staff member will contact you if you are selected.

Sponsor the Podcast

We love partnering with brands that share our mission and values. Check out our media kit to learn more about our incredible community of listeners. Packages available for every budget. Questions? Email us!

Questions? Comments? We want to hear from you!

Do you have a topic you’d like us to explore, or feedback for the podcast? We’d love to hear from you. Contact us or comment below to let us know your thoughts.

8 responses to “Real Money, Real Experts Podcast”

  1. Hello! ABSOLUTELY AWESOME!!! l just finished listening to Real Money/Real Experts, Pilot Episode and truly enjoyed meeting you! I was so INSPIRED and MOTIVATED that l WILL cease PROCRASTINATING and get started on reaching my next life’s goal of becoming a financial Coach/Counselor. Thank you so much for the AMAZING LEADERSHIP! Ms. Farrow

    • Thank you so much for listening! We hope you stick around and enjoy future episodes. Thanks for the feedback!

  2. How can we get FICO open access- for free for our clients instead of paying the fees associated with getting the score and the needed education/coaching? Can this not be waived for financial coaching for AFCPE members?
    Carol Ehlers
    ISU Extension
    712-732-5056 (home office/not open yet)
    712-299-3454 (personal cell)

  3. I use the PodCruncher app for iPhone. Thoroughly enjoyed the interesting and informative first four podcasts. I’m going to listen to E5 sometime this afternoon. Terrific job so far! Thank you!

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